
Research paper

 Doing research papers are often a college students nightmare.  Just think a five page detailed discripetion on some topic we often have no idea really what were talking about.For me its not the actual writeing that i terrify its getting the information. U would think with the enternet things would have been a lot easier but in some ways it makes things a lot harder.

 Lets see I type in the topic im during my paper on and then a million things pop up for me to explore. At first I was a little lost and now im like all the way of track. Thanks for nothing google. On tuesday we used a thing called the cybrary and I want say it has changed my life all the way but with tools like this it makes research papers a lot more manageable.

 The thing I really liked about the cybrary was it narrows your search to specific things. Tuesday we talked about (Multiple Personality Disorder) and after a few clicks the cybrary had u looking at very specific things related to the disorder. Even though i probably could have gotten the same info of the web the cybrary got  there faster. Im happy we disccused this tool and I will be sure to use it with my future assignments.

 In the summer of 1964 a mliestone was reached in the civil rights movement. A few years before this local Mississippi residents were feed up and baned together to jumpstart what is now called the Freedom Fighters. Although eduacation is a key part of african americans rising from just being slaves and cotton pickers. We saw people who had very low levels of book smarts use faith and determination and rise.

 Before thursday I never heard of the Freedom Fighters. Being a young african american man I am somewhat ashamed because this is a big part of our history. Often young  blacks like myself take for granted the things we encounter day to day. Although i do indeed think everyone is created equal I think that we have forgotten what those before us actually fought for.

 There was a time when blacks didnt have to many options in life.  Know that we have all the opportunity in the world we waste it and try to take the easy way out. I think television and some of the ignorant sounds that we call music these days really lead us as a people a stray. If you listen to the radio or you might think that all a young black man wanted was a nice time out with drinks and hoes or a nice car. 

 Is that what life is really about is this what Dr.King and the rest of people of the people who sacrificed so much fought for. No they fought for us to have equal rights as a people. And after obtaining these rights we should go out and live productive and respectful lives.

 The question Mary asked was what we learned or what it is we got from the movie. I know i kind of went to the left with my first few paragraphs but seeing that film openend my eyes. The film made me ask myself what is life really about. It also made me look at the some parts of the our world and how shallow minded some people live.

 We have come so far but still have a ways to. With differn’t role models like my parents differnt communtiy leaders and various positve role models I know there is more than hope. Not just for me but for future generations to come. If we continue to put more focus on strong families, and god we will continue to progress.

Evaluating Sources

 This article is about the differnce in college cost from the top 100 schools the us. This is indeed a fact because the information was based on a report from Kiplinger. Kiplinger is a noneprofit college board which is in charge of administiring the SAT test for millions of students a year.

2This article basically states that weight lose surgery is just one option of many for the moderately obese. This is clearly an objective article. The passuge mearly suggest that if you feel the need to lower your weight and  diet and exercise is not worked or working this procedure has wroked for others.

 Pet Butler is a poop scooping empire that has 126 franchises nation wide. This is a primary source of in formation beacuae unfortionatly the owner is giving them up. Matt Boswell  the owner said he has decided to give the company up for personal reasons. I think that is a pile of poop personally since he said himself he has built the company up since 1998 and merged with smaller companies.

 Just about everyone knows what american idol is and what its about. Idol is a show filled with criticizme from the host. Next year we will find out if what it’s about(unknown singers trying to make it) will be good enough to keep the ratings high. A writer from the Chicago Tribune thinks not thats why i think this article is subjective. This clearly states there one sided view on how the shows new host will bust.

 This article is based on a 16 year study done on men between the ages of 40-70. The study was done on the effects of male aging. I think this is an example of an analysis based article. The American Journal of Cardiology published the article. Among the findings was that a man who ingaged in sexual activity at least twice a week wa least likely to have a heart attack. And it does make since because it does get your heart a pumping. Have fun fighting heart attacks.

New York Times

Chicago TriBune

Detroit Free Press

Washington Post

The movie peaceful warrior was a real eye opener. I really like the way it keep it real even from the beginning. In most movies the actors usually ask and do dumb things that make u say I know this is a movie but dam why would they do something so stupid. In this movie a lot of the scenes were strait to the point in a sense. At the start the lead character went into the gas station and when he came out the attendant that was just helping him was on the roof of the building. I was saying to myself how the heck did dude get up there.

 The next question from him was how the hell did you get up there. From that point I said ok this movie may have some common sense. There were a lot of things in the movie that really made me fall back and look at myself. One of the scenes was when the two lead characters meet at the pond over the bridge and the older guy just pushed the young one in the water. After the young guy got out and went off on Nick Nolte nick asked what were u thinking about on your way to the water and the young guy said nothing I was thinking about what was in front of me nothing  else mattered at that point. Nick explained that’s what I want your young butt to see. I want u to focus on the goal at hand not everything that’s going on in your life.

 We only can deal with one problem at a time. Another scene was when they both were in the gym and were able to hear everyone’s thoughts including the lead characters. Sometimes we have to focus up and check ourselves and stop trying to blame the world for the situations we are in life. Once we do that we can move on and maybe help others. The most powerful thing I grabbed from the movie was at the end when they walked for hours for this unknown miracle of a find. Instead of meeting the wizard of oz or finding the cure for cancer he was tossed a rock; an old dirty rock. By this point of the movie the young guy had been taught to use his mind and imagination when observing situations. It didn’t take him long to realize that it was not the gold at the end of the rainbow that made the journey worthwhile but the journey itself and all that he had went through to get to that point. I really think that the movie was a positive thought provoking film.

why i do what i do

Please create a new post that discusses why you do what you do.  Your answer can address why you chose the field you’re in, why you decided to pursue this career, what made you decide to attend IADT, or anything else that inspires you!

Please make an effort to use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation!  NO TEXTING LANGUAGE on the blog!     

  I believe everyone in life has their own special gift or ablity. No matter how insugnificate we may think certain things are, it takes a lot to make the world go around. I also belive that everyone has responsibilties and priorities in life, and for me it is my wife and kids and the community that i come from. On that note the question at hand for me can be answered on two levels.  The first answer would fall in line with what i believe is one of my god given talent which is fashion. All my life i have been the one with swag, style, and carisma. Fashion is like second nature to me. Just as a athlete knows at a young age they can run, jump, and shoot like its nothing i have always been on that other level when it comes to fashion. If you know someone who appreciates lets say hunting, when u talk about november they talk about deer hunting season. Although i love deer meat i’ll be dam if  i go out in the cold to shoot something then drag it back to the car and have to strap it down while it still has blood on it. But for some people that is like what they live for getting a multy point buck mounted over there fire place. For me i would rather be scoopin some GUCCIE lofars and a new pea coat at summerset mall to deal with the the november cold. When my friends and family have something big they have to attend my cellular is blowing up with questions like do this go with that or do these shoes match dog. And if im going to the same event i know im going to get {what u rockin cuz} because i often set the dress code for my peps. Im not bragging m just stateing fact some people just have that eye and swag about themselves where they can put  things together and it dosent mean everything you buy has to be cost a arm and a leg just as long as you can make it look like it did. So now that u know just a lil bit about me it should come to no surprise that i am enrolled in the fashion arts program. Another reason  im in the program is that a couple of my best friends are vested in a fashion line that is already out named LAYOP which stands for LIVE AT YOUR OWN PACE. Right now the line is growing but if we want to pop it of the right way someone has to know the ends and out of the business. I am not a person to judge i got love for everyone so when i say i want to be the face of the straight guy in fashion i dont mean to slap noone in the face. But most men that u see make it big are usually gay. Its been that way for a while and i have no prob working or colabarating with whoever no matter what your sexual preference is if  u got talent. Most men think caring about your apperance is being some what fiminane but im here to say from a man thats happily married with kids u can have style and swag and keep your nails clean and still be masciline. On that note of being married with children that is the second and could be the most important part of my answer i am doing this for my family. I have been working for GM for 13 years and for one i hate it and for two i think the company is not what they use to be as far as respecting and rewarding there employes so the next contract we probably will stand to lose alot as far as wage, benifits,etc. But that is a whole differnt story. So right now i am setting up myself to be in the position to continue to provide for my family like im accustome to. I hired in to GM at the age of 19 and at that time i was thinking about making money. I came to IADT to get a degree in something im going to enjoy doing. I think in the  community were came from there was a lot of inficense on sports first education second and if u didnt succed in any of those two back then you could get into GM. I saw little attention being payed to the people who had skills in the arts. In the bigger cities they have people who make a good living in these fields so a young person who has artistic skills feels like they have a rolemodel or someon to look to. Often these rolemodels come back and inspire kids like them. When i was growing up i came from a great family who taught me how to be a great person but my vision was only as wide as the people in front of me. So even though i have all this swagger and fashion since no one around me stranslated it into a talent like basketball or football. Like i stated in the start of my blog people around me just took it as ok dude just knows how to dress a lil bit. It was not until i started to travel to bigger cities and attend differnt social gatherings with people i had saw on tv and instead of them being the star in some isnstances me and my friends were getting more attention than them. I learned just cause u got money u dont automatically have that swagger or style. And at this point i started to learn about differnt carreers such as image consulting,  style consulting,  life coach,  personal stylest, being a buyer for major department stores, etc. You dont have to be a fashion designer to work with fashion. When i get enough knowledge myself i plan to go back and encorauge those with the same love for fashion i do and help them with there god given talents. That why  i do what i do.

In the past I have heard a hard head make a soft behind or so you learn from your mistakes. So when Mary wrote the quote “sometimes you have to lose your mind before you can come to your sennses”  the quote kind of put me in the same mind frame. What i get from the quote is that u really have to go through something before u can get a sense of what it is you want or what u stand to lose. For some people common sense comes just as easy as taking a breath or taking our first, step but for some of us taking that first step wasnt so easy you can tell by how many bruses are on out knees. And just like the bruses on our knees we acquired from trying to learn to walk we often seem to ad on bruses on our hearts, body ,and soul as we try and walk through our lives.  Although the quote can seem so broad after i give u a couple of senarious u could understand just how close to home it is to u.  Ill start with one of the most commen things any and everyone has been envolved in a relationship. When i say relationship i dont necesarily mean the one two humans share between each other. It can be your relationship with playing sports, or your relationship with hunting, or even something as innocent as baking. Whatever the relationship you choose to associate this phrase with just take a second and think how many times it took u to get it half way right. I know some people are just naturally in tune with mostly whatever it is they try and do, but for those of us that are not as gifted we usually cause a little havoc before we half way get things right. So after screwin up a lot we seem to get a few things together if we havent killed ourself or someone in the process. No matter what u do in life most of the time if its worth something it comes at a price and we have to ask ourself is it worth the sacrifce, is this thing im going after worth my time and effort. And these are the times we are pulling our hair out losing our minds asking a god why me. On the outside looking in a lot of times things look really good  but if u step into that persons world for five minutes u might loose it. How many kids think they want to be like Koby Bryant, how many young girls want to become the next Ohpra Winfrey, and something that may look as easy as skateboarding takes years of focus and dedication before u get to the pentical of these careers. Why do u think Koby went from a afro to a ball head, and i think Ohpra’s weigth may have a little more to do with an occasinal snack. My fingers would fall of if i tried to type everyone i admire and thought was great but i would bet the farm that if u asked anyone of those people what that quote ment to them it would hit there heart when they thought about what they had been through.

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